Foreign Residents' Courses
For foreign citizens who live in Italy and want to study Italian for working reasons or citizenship purposes, we dedicate these Special Italian Language Courses, with a focus on obtaining the CELI Certifications required by the QCER of the European Union.
Course description:
Courses are aimed at adults (18+) and offer group or individual lessons (depending on the number of students of the same level enrolled), held in all comfort and WI-FI equipped classrooms.
Number of lessons and course duration:
Courses consist in lessons held in classroom, and include 1 lesson of Italian per day (from Monday to Friday), for a period ranging from 1 month (minimum), up to a maximum of 9 months.
According to your preferences, courses are currently available for:
- 1 month = 4 weeks
- 2 months = 8 weeks
- 3 months = 12 weeks *
- 4 months = 16 weeks
- 6 months = 24 weeks
- 9 months = 36 weeks
(* For stays longer than 90 days, please consult the page of the Foreign Affairs Ministry at the following links: or

For this type of Courses, tourist activities and Accommodation are not provided.
For new members, School Versilia provides a written Entry Test, in order to assess the actual knowledge of the language and the inclusion in the class of the correct level. Only students who already possess an Official Certificate of Italian Language Knowledge (or start from A0 level, Absolute Beginners), can skip the Test: in this case, they will be directly enrolled to the following level (or to the A0 Level classroom). Entry Test can be alternatively made On Line or in presence, depending on the Secretary Office needs.
Textbooks and study materials are provided directly by the school and are included in price. Notebooks, pencils, pens and stationery in general are not included (we warmly suggest students to come with all the equipment needed to take notes and assist to classes). At the end of the Course, a Certificate of Participation will be released, with the indication of the level reached and the accomplished hours.
- PRE A1 (Principianti Assoluti - Absolute Beginners)
Basic levels are addressed both to those who are at their very first approach to the Italian language (Pre A1, or A0) and to those who already have the first basics (alphabet, numbers, days of the week, basic vocabulary). Here we study the basics of the Italian language: from phonetics, vocabulary and elementary grammar, up to the indicative tenses. The ultimate goal is to be able to read, write and know how to present yourself in simple contexts, express moods and face short social exchanges, in the present or the past.
PRE A1 (Ex A0) – Principianti Assoluti
The aim of the course is to learn the basic Phonetics (the Alphabet and Sounds of the Italian language) and spelling (the Groups "GL" and "GN", "SCI" and "SCE", "QU" and "CU"), knowing how to spell the words, Numbers and nationalities, present themselves, Verbs ESSERE and AVERE.
A1 – Livello base
The student can understand and use every day familiar expressions and very common formulas to meet specific needs. He can present himself/herself and others and is able to ask questions about personal data and answer similar questions (where he lives, people he knows, things he owns). He is able to interact in a simple way as long as the interlocutor speaks slowly and clearly and is willing to cooperate.
A2 – Livello elementare (PERMESSO DI SOGGIORNO)
Students can understand isolated phrases and expressions of frequent use related to areas of immediate relevance (e.g.: basic information about the person and family, shopping, local geography, work). He can communicate in simple and routine activities that require only a simple and direct exchange of information on familiar and habitual topics. He can describe in simple terms aspects of his own experience and environment and elements that refer to immediate needs.
Based on the consolidation of the indicative tenses and on the study of the most difficult verb moods (such as the subjunctive and conditional), Intermediate Levels provide tools
Based on the consolidation of the indicative tenses and on the study of the most difficult verb moods (such as the subjunctive and conditional), Intermediate Levels provide tools for the analysis of the period and the syntax, and expand the vocabulary and knowledge of the Italian socio-cultural context, through debates, texts, conversations between the pupils and the teacher. After course completion, the student will be able to deal with complex situations, formulate hypotheses and participate spontaneously in conversations regarding current, hypothetical or past issues.
B1 – Pre-intermedio o “Livello soglia” (LIVELLO “SOGLIA” PER LA CITTADINANZA ITALIANA)
He is able to understand the essential points of clear messages in standard language on familiar topics that he normally addresses at work, school, leisure, etc. He is successful in many situations that can arise when travelling to a region where the language in question is spoken. He can produce simple and coherent texts on topics that are familiar to him or of interest to him. He can describe experiences and events, dreams, hopes, ambitions, briefly explain reasons and give explanations on opinions and projects.
He is able to understand the fundamental ideas of complex texts on both concrete and abstract topics, including technical discussions in his field of specialization. It is able to interact with relative ease and spontaneity, so much so that the interaction with a native speaker develops without excessive fatigue and tension. He can produce clear and articulate texts on a wide range of topics and express an opinion on a topical topic, explaining the pros and cons of the different options.
for the analysis of the period and the syntax, and expand the vocabulary and knowledge of the Italian socio-cultural context, through debates, texts, conversations between the pupils and the teacher. After course completion, the student will be able to deal with complex situations, formulate hypotheses and participate spontaneously in conversations regarding current, hypothetical or past issues.
B1 – Pre-intermedio o “Livello soglia”
He is able to understand the essential points of clear messages in standard language on familiar topics that he normally addresses at work, school, leisure, etc. He is successful in many situations that can arise when travelling to a region where the language in question is spoken. He can produce simple and coherent texts on topics that are familiar to him or of interest to him. He can describe experiences and events, dreams, hopes, ambitions, briefly explain reasons and give explanations on opinions and projects.
B2 – Intermedio
He is able to understand the fundamental ideas of complex texts on both concrete and abstract topics, including technical discussions in his field of specialization. It is able to interact with relative ease and spontaneity, so much so that the interaction with a native speaker develops without excessive fatigue and tension. He can produce clear and articulate texts on a wide range of topics and express an opinion on a topical topic, explaining the pros and cons of the different options.
The advanced levels are aimed at all those who already have command of spoken and written Italian grammar, but need to consolidate and deepen their linguistic skills in specialized, sectoral and formal contexts. They focus on the written form, the passive form and the indirect speech, to provide full fluency and autonomy in dialogue and in any situation. The ultimate goal is for the student to achieve the full command over grammar, syntax and dialogue in the language.
C1 – Livello post-intermedio o “di efficienza autonoma”
He is able to understand a wide range of complex and rather long texts and can also derive the implicit meaning. He can express in a smooth and spontaneous way, without excessive effort to search for words, can use the language flexibly and effectively for social, academic and professional purposes. He can produce clear, well-structured and articulated texts on complex topics, showing that he can control discursive structures, connectives and cohesion mechanisms.
C2 – Livello avanzato o di padronanza della lingua in situazioni complesse
He is able to effortlessly understand practically everything he hears or reads. It can summarize information from different sources, both oral and written, restructuring arguments and information parts into a coherent text. He can express himself spontaneously, in a very smooth and precise way and makes distinctly subtle nuances of meaning even in rather complex situations.
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